Women’s Leadership


CHW supports WIZO as they provide assistance to children, women, and families in Israel. One of CHW and WIZO’s pillars is advocating on behalf of women’s rights, and one way they do it is through women’s leadership programs.

These leadership programs aim to impart practical skills on women through training and mentorship. One such program seeks to help single mothers in finding a steady and secure job, in turn improving their own lives, and the lives of their children.

Oshra, the head of the program for single mothers, shares, “I am honoured to have the opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives and helps those in need.”
Oshra discusses how many women who have entered the program have trouble believing that they will find success, often feel hopeless, and worry that they are failing their children. However, Oshra goes on to explain that it does not take long for these strong and capable women to grow and take control of their lives.

Through this program, women not only gain transferable skills for employment, they also receive needed support, and as a result, they gain the confidence to pursue their goals and achieve their dreams.

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