WIZO- Ending the Cycle of Violence

Weekly Story: WIZO- Ending the Cycle of Violence

WIZO is dedicated to helping women living with domestic violence and preventing violence in the home. Through operating two shelters for battered women, and their children, WIZO provides these women with the tools to be independent and live violence-free lives.

Grants of Excellence

Weekly Story: Grants of Excellence

CHW Nahalal Youth Village was among the four WIZO Schools to receive grants of excellence from the Israel Ministry of Education as a result of the high achievements of their students this year. This was the second year that CHW Nahalal Youth Village has received this grant!

Coping with Terror in Israel

Weekly Story: Coping with Terror in Israel

For nearly one year, Israel has been facing a wave of terror. While we have seen the impact our hospitals, Assaf Harofeh and Hadassah, have had on saving lives of victims of terror; we must also understand how the children in our projects are affected.

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